A message from our Board Chair & Executive Director

There’s no doubt the last two and a half years have been filled with obstacles. But they’ve also come with an opportunity to evolve, grow and transform into an organization that is built into the foundation of our community and set up to lead the social sector into a sustainable future.

Sustainability comes through community partnerships that are forged with one common focus. While we all arrive at the table with different strengths and skill sets, we’re united in our commitment to meet people where they are at; to listen and be empathetic to their story, while giving them the tools they need to build resilience for a stronger future.

CUPS has always been rooted in community partnerships. A key component of preventative mental health care, these powerful relationships were further strengthened during the pandemic. Through the development and expansion of programs such as Rapid Care Counselling, Community Connect YYC and Connect 2 Care, we’re fully engaged in ensuring mental health is a community-led initiative. Preventative mental health care programs can directly improve the pressure on acute care facilities, first responders and others.

We want to get individuals and families to a state of mental and physical wellbeing. While this often starts in the health clinics where we served more than 29,000 patients in the last year, the work is complemented by our other programs and services. From housing to care coordination, the Child Development Centre and our community partners — it’s the integrated approach that supports people on a journey to build resilience and get to that state of wellbeing.

Our commitment to community-led programs and access is one of many reasons we’re embarking on a long-awaited $3 million capital project that will be completed later this year. We’re currently actively fundraising to support this project, as part of a continued effort to improve access to integrated care and services. This 10,000 square foot space will not only include a warm and welcoming entry point for visitors, but will create a place for community partners to join us in the CUPS facility. Rapid Care Counselling and Community Connect YYC will be right there when a client arrives looking for support.

The initiatives we launch, the programs we run and the work we do every day only happens because of the incredible work of our team. From helping someone in distress with quick thinking, to having conversations around diversity and inclusion with both staff and clients, or supporting a young woman through detox and into post-secondary training, our staff are fully present. They are breaking down barriers, building connections and becoming a valuable ally for each and every client on their journey to a more resilient future.

This commitment to our clients also brings to the forefront the need for our staff to care for their own wellness, and protect their own mental health. This has always been a priority but we’ve elevated it in the last year and will continue to do so.

Not only did we learn and evolve throughout the pandemic, we had a meaningful impact on stopping the spread of the virus. Together with the Alex Health Centre and other essential partners, CUPS clinicians and staff continued to help mitigate the potential devastating impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable community members through the Assisted Self-Isolation Site (ASIS).

From housing to health care, child development programs, research and more, coming together to provide integrated care is what allows us to be proactive and successful.

You are a valued community partner of CUPS. It’s your dedication and support that is helping us achieve sustainable transformational change and build a stronger community – together.

On behalf of the CUPS Board of Directors, our staff and clients —thank you.

Michael Lang, Board Chair &
Carlene Donnelly, Executive Director

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