8,262 Calgarians received support at CUPS
68,201 points of service delivered across all programs
From the new mom who views her case worker as a “fairy godmother” as she forges a life for herself and her young son, to the important conversations about Canada’s Indigenous people with our Indigenization Strategy Coordinator, we are helping vulnerable Calgarians build resiliency.
We are finding them homes. We are supporting their health. We are working with them to build a stronger future, together.
Join us as we look back to move forward and support our community in a post-pandemic world.
1,336 new patients were seen at the CUPS health clinic
1,468 hours supporting clients at intake and care planning/coordination
2,364 people used services across CUPS for the first time
5,054 individuals accessed CUPS health services
Sustainability comes through community partnerships that are forged with one common focus. While we all arrive at the table with different strengths and skill sets, we’re united in our commitment to meet people where they are at; to listen and be empathetic to their story, while giving them the tools they need to build resilience for a stronger future.
29,243 patient visits at CUPS health clinics, in-person or remotely
2,474 outreach visits to shelters provided health support
12,870 direct visits with clinicians
CUPS clinicians provided on-call support to our shelter partners during COVID-19
1,384 individuals received a COVID-19 immunization from the CUPS Vaccine Team, delivering 1,885 immunizations in total
2,013 lab appointments provided to clients
Not having a safe place to curl up every night and get quality sleep dramatically impairs a person’s ability to do even the basic tasks that promote a healthy lifestyle.
“You can’t do anything without a roof over your head,” says Janine, a Case Manager for one of the housing programs at CUPS.
243 individuals accessed mental health supports through Rapid Care Counselling
Within three weeks of starting, he had already implemented the Cultivating Compassion program for staff to learn about the Indigenous experience in Canada.
63 children aged 3-6 years were enrolled in the Child Development Centre in the 2021-22 school year
Instead, she found herself in an emotionally and physically abusive romantic relationship with a man who had mental health issues, and no family to lean on in the country.
For the sake of everyone involved, most importantly her unborn child, she needed to find help. Quickly.
100% of students who completed Kindergarten graduated to Grade 1 (18 students)
102 caregivers engaged in educational programming to improve their parenting skills
646 clients accessed mental health services and treatment on site or remotely
720 adults many with children, were helped to access subsidized housing
21,128 indirect visits within the health clinic that supported case management for clients without the client having to be present. For example, helping to secure documentation or planning for future services.
Removing obstacles and increasing accessibility to the COVID-19 vaccine has been a priority for the organization. What started as a support for shelter populations has expanded into a CUPS outreach vaccination program that is providing access to immunizations for vulnerable members of our community.
It’s a program directly making an impact in the pandemic, but also proving to be personally inspiring to those on the CUPS team who are working tirelessly to provide fact-based, accurate information to everyone they talk to.
110 new clients including 41 families, accessed affordable housing
231 households received financial assistance for first month’s rent, utilities and to avoid evictions
Justine and Laura, coordinators on the CUPS OAT team, worked with Jen and Tyler to get them the support they needed. The Opioid Agonist Treatment helps people manage opioid dependency.
760 individuals received basic needs support through gift cards
2 Health Navigators positions added to Connect 2 Care thanks to money from the Calgary Crisis Response Fund
78 clients graduated from a CUPS housing program
2,306 Women’s Health Clinic visits (excluding specialist visits)
131 specialist visits (Obstetrician and Gynecologist) at the Women’s Health Clinic
C2C connected 52 individuals to primary care providers, 56 to medication coverage, and eight to homecare services.
C2C connected 141 individuals to housing. Additionally, C2C assisted 90 clients in filing tax returns.
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Like us on social media at CUPSCalgaryAB.
To find out more, please email [email protected], [email protected], or
phone 403-221-8780.
97% of housing clients have been stably housed for 1 year or longer